Young women of color figuring science and identity within and beyond an afterschool science program.

Notice bibliographique

Rahm, J., Gonsalves, A. et Lachaîne, A. (2021). Young women of color figuring science and identity within and beyond an afterschool science program. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 1-38.


To attend to the social production of girls of color in science through the lens of history in person and local contentious practice, we propose a relational and nonrepresentational reading of STEM pathways. We invoke the conceptual lenses of wayfaring, knots, and meshwork to highlight the infinite ways of figuring science and becoming a science person in movement. We understand this as a life-long embodied process, entangled and marked by intersectionality and emotions.


Publication du membre

Jrène Rahm

Appartenance aux volets
