Notice bibliographique
Koropogui, S. T., St-Jean, É. et Zakariya, S. (2024). Usefulness of Practice-Based Pedagogical Approaches for Nascent Student Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, 7(1), 22-61.
This article focuses on the impact of an entrepreneurship education program on nascent student entrepreneurs. It is based on the implementation of the French-language program “Étudiant-entrepreneur… Oui, c’est possible” (Student-entrepreneur… Yes, it’s possible) in different faculties at the Hassan I University in Morocco. The study used a pretest-posttest research design with 32 participants trained in the program and 30 participants in the control group. The results show that the program significantly improved knowledge, skills, or competencies about starting a business, entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE), and entrepreneurial behavior (marginally), but not entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions. Under the assumption that strong attitudes and intentions are prerequisites for becoming nascent entrepreneurs, the present results suggest that specific content training coupled with pedagogical approaches adapted based on progress in the entrepreneurial process benefits those with insufficient knowledge and ESE as they work to develop their entrepreneurial ideas.
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Étienne St-JeanAppartenance aux volets