Notice bibliographique
Esposito, T., Chabot, M., Trocmé, N., Fluke, J. D., Delaye, A., Caldwell, J., Hélie, S., King, B., De La Sablonnière-Griffin, M. et Mackrell, L. (2021). Recurrent involvement with the Quebec child protection system for reasons of neglect: A longitudinal clinical population study. Child Abuse & Neglect, 111, 104823.
Studies in several jurisdictions have found that families become recurrently involved with child protection systems most frequently for reasons of neglect. Child protection involvement for reasons of neglect is shown to correlate with various socioeconomic vulnerabilities.
This study, the largest of its kind in Canada, examines when and for whom recurring conditions of neglect were most likely to occur for all children involved with child protection in the province of Quebec over a span of fifteen years.
Hyperlien du membre
Tonino EspositoNico Trocmé
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