Notice bibliographique
Milot-Lapointe, F. et Dionne, P. (2022). Online Group Employment Counselling During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Attitudes Toward Online Counselling. Swiss Psychological Society, 2(1), 1-8.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, community-based employment support organizations in Quebec, Canada have had to reorganize their services very abruptly to keep providing them. In these employment support organizations, services are notably provided in group counselling. During the COVID-19 pandemic, some of these organizations have decided to offer online group services while others have not. Based on an online survey (N = 149), this article has two objectives: 1) to investigate whether attitudes toward online counselling have influenced the choice to implement online group employment counselling during the pandemic; and 2) to investigate whether attitudes toward online counselling influence the intention to pursue or not pursue online group employment counselling after the pandemic. Attitudes toward online employment group counselling were assessed using a French adaptation of the Attitudes Toward Online Therapy Questionnaire (Békés & Aafjes-van Doorn, 2020). This questionnaire contains six subscales: facilitating conditions, performance expectation, effort expectancy, social influence, attitudes toward using technology, and anxiety. The results indicate that 97 counsellors (65%) have implemented online group employment counselling during the pandemic and 52 have not. A total of 57 counsellors (38%) intend to pursue online group employment counselling after the pandemic, 48 (32%) are undecided and 43 (30%) do not intend to pursue this practice. Logistic multiple regressions indicated that performance expectancy, attitudes toward using technology, social influence and facilitative conditions, taken together, explained a large proportion of the choice to have implemented online practice during the pandemic and the intention to pursue this practice in the future (47% and 48% respectively).
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Francis Milot LapointePatricia Dionne
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