Notice bibliographique
Watson, M. K. (2017). Nuutauniq (Moves in Inuit Life): Arctic Transformations and the Politics of Urban Inuit Mobility. American Review of Canadian Studies, 47(2), 189-205.
Today, one in four Inuit live outside of Inuit Nunangat, the Arctic territory incorporating the four northern Inuit land claims regions. With the majority of those Inuit living in cities, the issue of urban Inuit populations is becoming a more prominent focus for policy debate. In this article, I argue that urban Inuit mobility is a historically complex and multilayered phenomenon embedded in, not detached from, the major processes of social transformation affecting Inuit across the Canadian Arctic from the mid-twentieth century on. I use this analysis to explore the diverse formulation of Inuit-specific policy initiatives in Montreal, a task that, I show, is made easier by the Montreal Inuit radio show called Nipivut.
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Mark WatsonAppartenance aux volets