Notice bibliographique
Watson, M. K., Fletcher, C., Patrick, D. et Breitkreutz, S. (2021). Nipivut and the restorying of Inuit life in Montreal. Dans P. Stern (dir.), The Inuit World (p. 70-86). Routledge.
This chapter deploys the Montreal-based Inuit radio show “Nipivut” as ethnographic vignettes to show how Inuit in Montreal are claiming their “right to the city,” a phrase coined by French sociologist Henri Lefevbre. Through analysis of the issues covered in the program such as access to health care and education, homelessness, and the Inuit self-organization, the chapter demonstrates that Inuit in the city are not dislocated, but rather extend Inuit geography and social life to encompass urban places. Not only do Inuit regularly visit the city for health and educational services, but Montreal hosts a permanently settled urban Inuit population. It is a mistake to think of Inuit life in the city as temporary, marginal, or insignificant.
Publication du membre
Mark WatsonChristopher Fletcher
Appartenance aux volets