Notice bibliographique
Jérôme, L. (2020). ‘Mediacosmologies’: The convergence and renewal of indigenous religiosities in cyberspace. Dans F. Gauthier (dir.), Routledge International Handbook of Religion in Global Society (s.p.). Routledge.
Based on an ethnography of virtual worlds and the concept of ‘mediacosmology,’ I set out in this chapter to document and analyze cyberspace as a space of convergence and renewal of indigenous ritual and religious expressions. Cyberspace has today emerged as a non-institutional and virtual space of relations, creativity and encounters invested by many indigenous people as a means to enhance their tangible and intangible heritage. What does religious diversity entail in these virtual worlds? How is the relationship with the ancestors expressed? What places do the concepts of territory, solidarity and reciprocity occupy? In short, in what ways do these virtual worlds reflect the complexity and diversity of indigenous conceptions of the world? To explore these questions, I shall mainly draw from my own research on death and mourning among the Atikamekw and Innu (Quebec).