Notice bibliographique
Guimont Marceau, S. et Martin, P. (2020). “Dialogue divides if it is not fair”: Québec First Nations’ youth call for responsive spaces of citizenship. Social and Cultural Geography, 21(6), 767-787.
The contemporary contours of citizenship and socio-spatial relationships between Indigenous peoples and settlers in Québec, Canada, are changing. Indigenous youth contribute in important ways to those changes. While some youth have become involved in formal sites of politics, others work in diverse settings weaving together a fragile network of sites and spaces that collectively challenge deeply engrained colonial relationships and division of space. The Wapikoni mobile is an Indigenous video training project that addresses the First Nations communities. Through this project, certain young people are taught to produce and direct films and some are invited to present their creations in public events. The analysis presented in this article investigated the places, practices and relationships around the mobility, speech acts and narratives of the Wapikoni mobile’s participants who travelled to present their film(s) in different settings in Canada and overseas. In these locations, First Nations’ youth challenge the colonial division of space and negotiate new relationships while (re) claiming their identity and engaging in citizenship formation processes. This article argues that these important processes are nevertheless entangled in broader colonial and neoliberal contexts that hinder their full transformative potential.
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Stéphane Guimont MarceauAppartenance aux volets