Notice bibliographique
Kamanzi, P. C., Tardif, M. et Lessard, C. (2021). Canadian teachers and their profession: Why are some satisfied and others dissatisfied? Annals of Social Sciences and Management Studies, 6(4), 1-12.
This study aims to examine factors related to professional satisfaction of Canadian teachers. Based on the classical theories of the sociology of work and empirical research, we have distinguished extrinsic and intrinsic factors in the profession. The results from a national survey (N = 4,210) show that the majority of respondents are satisfied with their job, but that the level of this satisfaction is variable. Multivariate analyses reveal that job satisfaction is influenced both by intrinsic and extrinsic factors to the trade, but the former to have a relatively more important influence than the latter. Specifically, satisfaction is higher among teachers with the feeling of having rewarding relationships with students. Analyses separated by provinces indicate similarities and some differences between provinces education systems.
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Pierre Canisius KamanziAppartenance aux volets