Notice bibliographique
Esposito, T., Trocmé, N., Chabot, M., Coughlin, L., Gaumont, C. et Delaye, A. (2016). Better Understand to Better Serve: a Province-Wide Knowledge Mobilization Initiative in Child Protection. Child Indicators Research, 9(3), 651-661.
Child protection is one of the fastest growing service sectors in Canada, yet we know surprisingly little about the effectiveness of these services. This article presents a provincial university-agency knowledge partnership aimed to better understand the dynamics of child protection services. For exemplary purposes, the results of a service outcome indicator on out-of-home placement will be reported along with province-wide secondary analyses examining when and for whom out-of-home placement is most likely to occur.
Hyperlien du membre
Tonino EspositoNico Trocmé
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