Notice bibliographique
Blanchet-Cohen, N., Cooper, A., et Doel-Mackaway, H. (2023). (Re)Imagining children’s participatory rights with decolonial learning [Special Issue]. O Social em Questão PUCRio, 56, 25–52.
This article considers how decolonial learnings can contribute to (re)imagining children’s participatory rights. We first situate decolonial learning and its relation to children’s participation. We then explore some implications as it relates to the connection between children’s participation rights and other key articles in the UNCRC, namely three guiding principles of the convention: non-discrimination (article 2); best interests (article 3); and right to life, survival, and development (article 6). As part of deconstructing the ways participatory rights have been shaped by colonizing projects and to explore alternative ways of thinking and doing, we offer some probing questions designed to redirect and shape a (re)imagining of children’s participation.
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Natasha Blanchet-CohenAppartenance aux volets