Notice bibliographique
Cunningham, J. et Desbiens, C. (2021). Journeying as an everyday act of resurgence: Anishnabe women’s stories of living and transcending gendered and racialized violence. Gender, Place and Culture, 1-20.
This article contextualizes and discusses the life stories shared by four Anishnabe women during a research project centered on Indigenous women’s perspectives on homelessness in the province of Québec, Canada. We start by describing how the territory in which these women have lived for most of their lives has enabled the normalization of gendered and racialized violence. Building upon interpretative phenomenological analysis and the theoretical work of prominent Indigenous scholars, the women’s stories are then presented and revisited through the concept of ‘journeying’ as an everyday act of resurgence. In this we pay particular attention to the teachings rooted in Indigenous knowledge about healing and well-being and the perspectives shared by the women as to why these teachings appeared relevant and helpful to them. In conclusion, we argue that connecting the dots between context, stories, Indigenous concepts and teachings is quite fruitful to shift the understanding and conversation about the roots of Indigenous homelessness and, more importantly, the resources allocated to support Indigenous women out of it.
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Caroline DesbiensAppartenance aux volets