Notice bibliographique
Blanchet-Cohen, N., et Torres, J. (2023). Enhancing citizen engagement at the municipal level: Youth’s perspectives. Dans J. Wyn, H. Cahill et H. Cuervo (dir.), Handbook of children and youth studies (2e éd., p. 391-404). Springer.
Despite evidence of the benefits of young people’s participation, civic youth engagement is limited mostly to youth representation on councils or committees. Drawing on action research in the Child Friendly Cities initiative and the Growing Up in Cities Canada program, this chapter calls for a broader definition of engagement that encompasses membership, rights, responsibilities, and equality of status. It considers that enhanced municipal engagement concretizes citizenship; municipalities need more knowledge and adapted tools if they are to provide young people with multiple dimensions of citizenship. There are three priority areas for youth: (a) reaching out to youth by drawing on established networks and reviving communication tools; (b) creating a collaborative space in which youth are welcomed and fully informed so as to enable them to meaningfully participate; and (c) applying appropriate tools that are adapted and effective, such as exploratory walks, community events, and surveys that involve youth in design and analysis.
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Natasha Blanchet-CohenAppartenance aux volets