Notice bibliographique
Tillard, B. (2017). Domestic Spaces and Child Protection at Home. Physical Hygiene As a Focus of Interventions by Social Workers in France. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 9(3), 70-96.
In the domestic space of working–class families, education support interventionsoftenincorporate young children’s personal hygiene activities. Professionals refer to personal hygiene as a starting point for these social interventions, the aim of which is to provide parenting support. This objective is mentioned, however, as one among others. The general term used to characterize inadequate care of parents to care for young children is more likely to be referred to as “neglect”. In situations of hardship, however, the ability of parents and professionals to ensure a child’s personal cleanliness is oftenreliant on housing, an area in which child protection professionals rarely intervene.
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Bernadette TillardAppartenance aux volets