Sarah Pickard, cochercheure à la CRJ et maîtresse de conférences à l’Université de Sorbonne Nouvelle, codirige un numéro spécial d’une nouvelle revue avec comité de lecture, Frontiers in Political Science portant sur l’activisme jeunesse en politique environnementale.
Please find details of a special edition of a new academic journal, Frontiers in Political Science, based on the topic – Youth Activism in Environmental Politics. We would welcome you to consider contributing to this collection – and we would appreciate it if you would also share details with colleagues and doctoral students via your own networks.
Please note that as a free and open access peer-reviewed journal that is fully online, there are article processing charges to be covered by authors – although Frontiers in Political Science have confirmed to us that they offer a number of fee solutions including some opportunities to waive charges to some authors depending on circumstances and institutional membership (please see: and
We hope you will be interested in submitting a manuscript to this special edition and we look forward to hearing from you.
With best wishes,
Matt Henn (Nottingham Trent University,
Sarah Pickard (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3,